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portrait de l'artiste

Adrien Vinet 




Here is my credo and I make it from scrap items !


Recycling is very exciting when it comes to bringing back abandoned materials. It seems to me that to take it, to see a new form and a new meaning, is respecting it again. The walks become a treasure hunt and each small object thrown away, abandoned, will find its place in the final puzzle of a sculpture or a robot.

The raw material is (unfortunately) infinite, and I like to imagine that this gesture of recycling material thrown into a piece of art also challenges us on our way of life.

Autodidact assumed, I am passionated about the evocation provoked by the work of material devoted to oblivion, and by its voice often different, in each people ...

The constraint of deviating these objects from their usual uses is very stimulating artistically. It is sometimes a breath of fantasy that is born from scrap. Sometimes the manifestation of waste in their most symptomatic form of our consumer society. Creating these sculptures is for me infusing urban Fantasy into our daily life. This fantasy can be dark, tortured, strange, funny, and it must above all stimulate the imagination and question our modes of consumption.

Create poetry in the rubbish and restore life from oblivion.

I invite you to sail between my characters, without scratching you here and there on the rusty nails...

Feel free to leave your comments !


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